
Fig. 1: One view of inclination I (green) and other orbital parameters.

Inclination in general is the angle between a reference plane and another plane or axis of direction.



The inclination is one of the six orbital parameters describing the shape and orientation of a celestial orbit. It is the angular distance of the orbital plane from the plane of reference (usually the primary's equator or the ecliptic), normally stated in degrees.[1]

In the solar system, the inclination of the orbit of a planet is defined as the angle between the plane of the orbit of the planet and the ecliptic — which is the plane containing Earth's orbital path.[2] It could be measured with respect to another plane, such as the Sun's equator or even Jupiter's orbital plane, but the ecliptic is more practical for Earth-bound observers. Most planetary orbits in our solar system have relatively small inclinations, both in relation to each other and to the Sun's equator. There are notable exceptions in the dwarf planets Pluto and Eris, which have inclinations to the ecliptic of 17 degrees and 44 degrees respectively, and the large asteroid Pallas, which is inclined at 34 degrees.

Name Inclination
to ecliptic (°)
to Sun's equator (°)
to Invariable plane[3] (°)
Terrestrials Mercury 7.01 3.38 6.34
Venus 3.39 3.86 2.19
Earth N/A 7.155 1.58
Mars 1.85 5.65 1.67
Gas giants Jupiter 1.31 6.09 0.32
Saturn 2.49 5.51 0.93
Uranus 0.77 6.48 1.02
Neptune 1.77 6.43 0.72

Natural and artificial satellites

The inclination of orbits of natural or artificial satellites is measured relative to the equatorial plane of the body they orbit if they do so close enough. The equatorial plane is the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the central body.

For objects where the primary's axis of rotation is unknown or poorly known, a satellite's inclination will be given with respect to the ecliptic, or sometimes (for slow-moving objects) with respect to the plane of the sky (see the definition given for binary stars, below).

For the Moon, measuring its inclination with respect to Earth's equatorial plane leads to a rapidly varying quantity and it makes more sense to measure it with respect to the ecliptic (i.e. the plane of the orbit that Earth and Moon track together around the Sun), a fairly constant quantity.

Exoplanets and multiple star systems

The inclination of exoplanets or members of multiple stars is the angle of the plane of the orbit relative to the plane perpendicular to the line-of-sight to the object.

Because the radial velocity method is easier to find planets with more edge-on orbits, most exoplanets would have inclinations between 45° and 135°, even though most exoplanets don't have known inclination. Correspondingly, most exoplanets would have true masses no more than 70% greater than their minimum masses. If the orbit is almost edge-on, then the planet can be seen transiting its star. If the orbit is almost face-on, especially for superjovians detected by radial velocity, then those objects may actually be brown dwarfs or even red dwarfs. One particular example is HD 33636 B, which has true mass 142 MJ, corresponding to an M6V star, while its minimum mass was 9.28 MJ. The inclinations and hence true masses for almost all the exoplanets will eventually be measured by the number of observatories in space, including the Gaia mission, Space Interferometry Mission, and James Webb Space Telescope. Measuring inclinations for almost all exoplanets will determine how many of these candidates turned out to be brown dwarfs, red dwarfs, or more, which will then learn more about the distributions of brown dwarfs and low mass stars in binary systems.

Other meanings


In astrodynamics, the inclination i can be computed from the orbital momentum vector \mathbf{h}\, (or any vector perpendicular to the orbital plane) as i=\arccos{h_\mathrm{z}\over\left|\mathbf{h}\right|}, where h_\mathrm{z} is the z-component of \mathbf{h}.

See also


  1. Chobotov, Vladimir A. (2002). Orbital Mechanics (3rd ed.). AIAA. pp. 28–30;. ISBN 1563475375. 
  2. McBride, Neil; Bland, Philip A.; Gilmour, Iain (2004). An Introduction to the Solar System. Cambridge University Press. p. 248. ISBN 0521546206. 
  3. "The MeanPlane (Invariable plane) of the Solar System passing through the barycenter". 2009-04-03. Retrieved 2009-04-10.  (produced with Solex 10 written by Aldo Vitagliano)